
Setting out to be "funky yet highly professional" Urban Ledgers Ltd director, Catherine Davis feels ICB members are raising the bar for the bookkeeping profession.

Catherine set about learning UK bookkeeping after moving here from her native New Zealand. Since setting up her business in the summer of 2010, Catherine has purposefully tried to ‘dejargonise' accounting-speak to ensure that her clients can understand her work.

Always a personal touch

Catherine is constantly striving to ensure that Urban Ledgers makes the best use of the latest technology, implementing strong systems in a robust, controlled environment. 

Business has flourished, growing year on year. Client Berty & Gerty Ltd say,

"We've been impressed with the speedy and efficient service offered by Urban Ledgers, they're quick to respond to any queries we have but always with a personal touch".

Urban Ledgers can be found at www.urbanledgers.co.uk
